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Friday, November 19, 2010


   I am a simple person but have a great desire goal....
May be you are not understand me and think that i am a arrogant person through your first sight or first impression but that is not that important as the things that i really appreciate is one's personalities......

   Without personalities, a person just like lost his or her own soul and we cannot predict or consider that the way the person will react via the first sight, but we can only know is through the social communication with them....You might have a wealth of knowledge, and is a wealthy person but the thinking is the most important things in the life....  

Reading is a good way for us to improve our thinking skill 

   without a positive thinking,u might also live in blaming, arguing and have a conflict with someone.....May be there has a high social status person or a educated person might say to you money is the most crucial things in this world, without money, you cannot live happily...but my answer is you are WRONG, if you think like that. For me, we can live in this world because the god has given us a chance to accomplish our own achievement and goal. Nobody can deprive it but you can destroy it easily.... if you do not appreciate it..

   I don't know why i will always see something different with other people's perspectives. May be i am a freak in the eyes of other people, but i know who am i, and i know what i am doing, i do not expect people will easily accept my thought, as different people have different perceptions. Sometimes, you might find it hard to talk with someone even he or she is your beloved. Why will become like this?? Is you or me got problems? or both of us....? The answer is ambiguous and very abstract and nobody have a clear definition or explanation about it. 

Just like the blur look from them..... We do not know......

   When there is a conflict, the first thing you do is complaining and reprimand others, but you will not look at yourself first.... people always like that, they might think that they are the one who always do the right things and should be praised by the others but the things that others have done are always be considered wrong or false. When a person is keep quiet, mean that he or she do not want to arguing with you, and may be he or she is a successful person which may has a high level of interpretations in seeing the things from different angles and perspectives. 

   This is good for them actually, as through the learning process in life, you can learn something from them. I sure this world might have people that hate the other people and think that the person deserve to die as they make you feel sad, depress or even wanna commit suicide, but do you actually know that 'these people' has given you a chance and opportunity to learn something good, that is help you to develop new skills, qualities or values which they might not learn in the theoretical knowledge. And through this, you might become more mature person compare to the old you.

A new me........??

   For example, you are harmed by someone or someone has throw the 'black spot' to you that make you to become the one who receive the punishment. You just can accept all that penalty innocently. But you are the one who should say a big thank you to them because if they are not there to 'harm' you, would you change yourself to a better self?? My answer is YES, but not that efficient.On the other hands, if your friend say something bad or sarcastic words directly to you, you will quickly change your bad habits and reveal a better self. So, don't think that they want to challenging you but accept it sincerely. This is because they might want you to alter the bad habits, and practice a new habits which might influence your judgement about your future. So, if a person say something bad about you, you should say thank you to them...=)

   Lakeside, a place that i most often to go, and a place that i like the most....
people might think that i am crazy, waste my unnecessary time at there and do nothing. Do you think so? i am strongly disagree with that as you will realize something not only from the environment but also one's behavior. I always sit at the lakeside, and see the fishes swim unrestrained  in the lakeside, i will think that if i just a fish, so nice!!! No need to worry what is happening next... just do whatever you like, that's enough. 

                                      A nice place to relieve your stress....

   But i am totally wrong, that day i go to the lakeside at usual, and i had learnt something from the fishes. Why the black fishes always swim in a same direction as the water flow whereas the only one red fish always swim in the opposite direction?? And there is a back flow but the red fish always deal with it, even though its small 'strength' not enough to oppose with it. But finally it choose to swim in the opposite direction.

   What i wanna say is that the red fish is the most successful one as it chooses an extraordinary way to go along with and finally it reaches its destination.It is willingness to deal with the circumstances but not like the majority fishes that choose to avoid. Through the process, it learn to protect itself, deal with the obstacles and become more independent. I like the way it 'decides', as it knows 'who' is it.....and never just follow the trend in the world.

Be the one who is the best in the world???

    It has its own 'identity', and way to adapt to the tough and new environment, it always see the front but not the back... i admire its 'spirit' to take the decisions without regret and its 'persistent' in doing certain things. Actually, what i wanna share here is one can success easily but one also cancan also success in their career with a higher achievement and do certain things that is more different from the other.... If you are the one, who will you gonna to be??? =)




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