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Thursday, December 16, 2010

I still haven grow up....

   I thought i can hold my tear when i explain the theory that is related to my past experiences, and because i think it is really very useful, so i just want to share it with my friends, i hope they can learn it as well... for their life. But  when i think about those things, i can't hold my tears anymore, am i a loser ???  No way ... you aren't , But if you still like that , You are..."what you think about is you bring about..." By Lisa Nichols. I love this sentence... indeed.....

   Forget about the past...is the hardest process in the life.... But you need to do like this!!! Ann!!! Don't give up in doing the things that you like, just like you like the law of attraction, is the same thing. If you can break "this" , then you are already successed half.... in your life..... I know you can, whatever people had said what to you....Just be optimism, life is short... and we don't know when we will die, so learn to grow up... from now on!!!!!!Look at the pretty sky, think about the good memories, and the most important thing that you need to do now is listen to the music that really motivate you !!!

   "There can be a miracle, when you believe, Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill, who knows what miracles you can achieve, when you believe, somehow you will, you will when you believe....." The song that i like the most... Actually today want to recommend to them, but finally....don't have the opportunity.....next time ba.....

   Keep it up........ Nothing is impossible....."Is your moment of decision that your destination is shaped." By Tony Robbin. "Your thoughts and feelings create your life." By Lisa Nichols...

Law of attraction: My biggest “saver ” in my life....

I applied this concept since i was 15, and at that time my whole life changed....

That's why i Love this so much....

Saturday, December 11, 2010


   Travel, i like it very much.... as only travel can give me a great pleasure except the time that spent with my friends, family, and so on....I like to explore and see the different things... This is because from a little things, i can have a big satisfaction after exploring...and no need to escape everything......just do a "true self"... i mean in the range of freedom.... i can do whatever i like as long as those are not a bad deed...

The big paddy field with a big blue sky... i can feel the exist of  "freedom"

   But sometimes, i found myself very difficult in doing things that i like.... as there have too many obstacles... which always prohibit me from doing these things.... i cannot just follow whatever i want to do but i really hope now i can have a long break, a month, for me to look at the newest things or updated things.... and just pull my hair down.... I always think that if i can just take the photo from the "world", put them into my blog, and write the things that i observe into the blog, and travel to everywhere while doing these things..... so Good....

Little girl : i can hold you, the little bubbles- "hope"

   But i know this world really very realistic, we can't easily have that "hope".... in order to become true... I found hard when come in a situation that "i cannot walk in and cannot walk out"... just like a bird inside a birdcage....if it wants to fly out, it only will be hurt whatever how much efforts it has used. To protect itself, it chooses to not do that, and remain itself there..."do not voices out, do not resists, just follows whatever the owner gives to it.... just accepts the fate that the god gives it...." And it has lost its power to become "itself"... But it keeps telling itself, it can fly out from the birdcage and search for it's own possessions of  "freedom"...As it can see the sunshine...from the other part of the world....

 Sunshine has given it the warmest feel... and desire hope to escape from the birdcage...

   Just like the life.. Many people have desire goal, have great dream but not all of them can achieve them and not all of them are successed... only minority of them start to plan their "useless plans".... to a useful plans....And travel journey really can broaden our views as the action of people ( as in behaviors, attitudes and personalities) are given us good teaching materials....Especially in the poorer countries.They are not talked to us, they are not looked at us, they are not known who we are.... But we can still learn from them through their first sight.... as they are Great!!!! =)

I am not wasting my time, as i am thinking what should i do later.....

   Every time i went for a long journey, i always learn new things from others and they really are the good "models"... Wordless, but "copious" in their facial expressions and body language...I felt very relax and feel the exist of "freedom" when come in writing blog as write blog can give me a space to know "who am  i" actually as i found myself lost in the directions when come to a "realistic world".....i am no longer myself  especially come to a education systems, making decisions, and  doing certain things....stifled.

 Just like the world becomes black....

   However, i can have my limited freedom in doing other things, i think....I hope i can do these things-(travelling.blogging.photographing.changing) in the coming future.....


"Row" to my future..!!! =)

Life is just like a travel journey ...

Rumor - the biggest killer in the world.......

   Everyday we are running with the time and the time really makes the things change.....Sometimes, it takes shorter time while sometimes it takes a longer time.Everyday i am struggling how to fight with it and to be its owner  but i really found it hard.....just like a person's mood....You cannot have a happy mood every time.... and everyone must undergoes a tough circumstance as well as difficult task which we might not face when we are still young....... 

Brother : i feel so happy when i was still young, but as i grew up, i found myself not that happy anymore

   Everyday when i was boring or nothing to do, i like to see at the big blue sky as through this i will feel that i am just like me..... i do not like to fight with people.... i just like a peaceful life.... that is enough for me.....=)
And i really appreciate daily life's moments with my friends, family or even lover. But sometimes, it doesn't move smoothly....... and this is the task that the GOD gives us to practice and improve ourselves to be a better self..... as nobody are perfect included ME. Sometime, i always think that i "walk too fast" ....until not clearly see my parents's work hards, my friends' concerns or my teachers' advises....and when i was young, i am  not that mature and have many bad habits. 

Sometimes, i really don't know who am i.........

   But after an incident, i had totally changed myself to a better self..... that is, we are not appreciated enough that the people around us but after lost, only we discover their contributions, work hards and so on.
Here has a very good example : This video really very touch... the spirit of the people that try to search for any survivor after the earthquake..and it really gives a big impact to many people, i think..... and people who are victims at that time are very appreciate each other right now......as they know "people they are died will never alive again".... whatever the other parties has do something that is wrong or not, they learn to comprehend their drawbacks and give them a chance to change...after this incident.....

And people will only appreciate other parties when they had died, but i hope after you guys seeing this will more appreciate the people that around you......

   Rumor - a big killer in nowadays...Actually i was bullied by my friends when i was 13 years old... and this remain 3 years... and this is the worst experiences in my whole life, i think... Do you know a sarcastic words can easily influence people's mood???  Do you know a facial expression with a sarcastic words can make a people unhappy ??? Do you know an action with a facial expression and a sarcastic words can kill a people without any "crack"???  I think the people who has done this will never know.... 

Rumor - a gossip that  that usually mix with true and untrue messages that passed around by word of mouth...

   Sometimes, when people done this to you, they will not remember but when you are the people that are bullied by them, you will know and remember how horrible the sarcastic words are.....But can you imagine there are thousand of sarcastic words that from the mouth of different people which threw on you..???  Everyday i go to school with grievousness and don't even have the chance to voice out . This is because if i  voice out, i will be hated by more people even i have done nothing wrong. ME, don't even have a chance to smile in school in that 3 years, i think.... and my "unfortune" really make me feel very bad....

I don't feel like talk with anybody, so please just leave me alone.....

   Whatever i had done in school, they must say something bad to me, even i drank water or just see something from the other place, doing my homeworks or go to somewhere else... Seriously, i think about commit suicide when i was only 15 years old... But when i was trying to do that i start to think about my families, my others friends and my relatives... If i died what they will do??? I am trying to analyse the things and the consequences... But after this incident, i am not a happy girl anymore although i am quite an optimistic people when i was in primary school.Everyday i just feel like i live under pressure especially in school. i am turn out to become a people who is  no soul, no spirit and no hope anymore.

   At that time, nobody help me, obviously that is because everyone afraid to become the 2nd me... who is being bullied by the other people.... They bullied me by using sarcastic words...done everything that they think they can make me feel embarrased and give me a hard time whenever they can .... majority of them do not know how i will feel and don't even care about it...... But do you think that if your roles are inverted , now you are the victim at that time, what will you feel ????

At that time, i really look like this photo.... Do not have any strength to resist ....

   It really is a worst and horrible experiences to me... indeed... and i always have a nightmare every night ... i scare to go to school, scare to talk with new friends and start to shun myself from others .... this is the only way to protect myself from bullied by the others.... may be you will think that i am selfish , but this is the only way i can have my own freedoms.... and do not easily get hurt by others.... Actually i do not want to type this here... and this is my past experiences already... Now i am not angry or blaming anyone, just use this as a reflection mirror to others.....As when i look at the people that surround me might do the same things to someone, i will think about my past experiences, and i really scare that they become the 2nd me. There are really too many bad experiences from me.... since i was 13 years old....I start to become a people who lost all her confidence, lost all her motivations to do something.... lost her good memories with her friends in the primary school.....But i still remember that a girl..... laugh at me and say something which i know the things  i am not doing...but what i can do is just accept it quietly and no respond to them in order to "save " myself from their "good deed"....

 But i still cannot contain my tears, just like this photo....

   But as you know everyone has their maximum level to endure a certain tings... but if they are too over sometimes...i cannot contain anymore and i will cry. At this time, they are very happy as their plans succeed.
Sometimes, everyone will get the copy from the teacher but only me... never mind... i do not have my table and seat in the early morning.... never mind... i do my homework and listen to the class.... they laugh (a few times already).never mind,  i eat alone, i do experiment with other racial except Chinese....i accept. you glance at me.... i never mind.... but you start to criticizing my family..... i ...... cannot endure anymore..... as this is my limit......that day when school dismissed, i straight away run away from school as i afraid that somebody might discover that i am crying.... and i run quickly and rushed into the house, to the second floor as i do not want my families know that. I locked the door and cried softly in the toilet and wait i calm down i try to tell myself i should not bear it anymore.... ok.... i want turn school...!! As only this can make me feel happier and i can have a new start.

Cry doesn't solve matter, so i decided not to cry anymore from that time......

   School normally is a good place for us to socialize... but what i can say to you guys after this incidents is that i never enjoy in the school... and i have the phobia to talk with people.... as i afraid when i start to talk with them i might get hurt by them....without an explanation to me....i don't want that anymore, seriously....even i had done something wrong, can you guys tell me??? But why you guys want to do like that and don't even give me a chance to change myself... ?? Even the prisoners have the chance to change themselves.... am i do a such big wrong...??? Just compare with them.....I do not kill any people and steal before......I can loudly say that i do not do this before....

   And do you know that when the person being bullied by others by using sarcastic words is the most awful??? As when someone start to talk something like that to you, your self-esteem, your mentally, physically, emotion, health, and even your psychological will be unbalance, and this will make you a person who look like no soul, no spirit and no hope....and suddenly you might reluctant to communicate with people as you are frighten to talk with them... even asking a question also....like a died person....The above incident had took me a few years to overcome this phobia.Actually, i want to say thank you to them who has done this before to me, this is because if do not have them, i will not change myself to a better self. I become more open-minded in seeing things.. really...This is part of my experiences.....

Fortunately, at that time i do not do the silly things, otherwise.....My end will just like this photo right??

And here has a sad story.........

   Just like the picture of a little girl that looked like wanna dying and left her last breath and behind her is a vulture.....waiting to eat her..... and this photo really gives the awareness to many people...... But the people who took this picture is not so lucky.... as people do not see the efforts that he had given behind the photo. Majority of the people only see that the little girl is going to be eaten by the venture but he still taking the picture, he is evil, many people start to think like that... But only minority of people knows and understand his contributions.

   Just think about it, if he do not took this photo, would people see the photo and save the poor little girl and their racial ? And may be after the quick shoot, he immediately saves the little girl....?? Do we know?? We do not know....What people had done are criticized him and even looked down on him when he got the award. As they thought he has no humanity. He has commit suicided after that.... as he cannot sustain the pressure from people with different perspectives, and opinions. But after that, people only start to appreciate the things that he had done and feel pity to him. Unfortunately, it's too late, nobody can save him from the "dead god"......Does this cost ??? We have lost a good guy that want to try and save the poor racial with the limited power he has.

Happiness is like a butterfly ; the more you chase it,the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder

    Actually, i just want to say that people are "fragile", a knife, a hammer, or even just a normal  rumor can easily kill a person. I think you can clearly seen that from the stories above. So, just think about it before action. When i am writing these things, i  already know there must have some people hate me or dislike me, but i am just want to let you know- everyone will die one day, and nobody can live forever.We should appreciate people that surround us now but not appreciate them after lost. Indeed, if like this, you will regret one day when the person that you actually care about with have a small fight with you because of misunderstanding had died...and i share this is because i really can feel the pains from that person via the incident above and i really think this can be a good reflect mirror to all of us.

...Hate cannot solve problems but forgive can ...

Thank for reading....


    I like to tell myself, whatever happen or things that make you unhappy...just forget about it and just looking forward.... and take the people's advises... to make it become better...... Speaking in English make me feel embarrassed sometimes... as i always pronounce it wrongly and this make me laughed by others... Although i know that they are not really mean it... but as a person, we will also take it as if they really mean it...... i had tried many ways to improve my language especially in English.....

There is no problem that cannot be solve with a pad of paper, a pen, and a little imagination
(cited by Benjamin Franklin)

   But i found it hard when communicate with people that have a good command of language......May be is i was laughed by different people several times already.....and my enthusiasm towards this language is dampened easily. This really make me don't even have the guts to speak with people if the language is not my mother tongue.......I had tried many ways, whatever in searching Internet .... or reading books in order to get the informations in how to improve myself ..... and every time when i am trying to do so .... "Somethings" must come.... and i was shrink backed from the first step even i haven take the chance to communicate with others yet....May be this is due to one of the teacher that taught me before.....She,...., as a English teacher to me.... is very strict in grammars...and every "a, and, the..." if you are forgotten to write it out... she sure will give you a very low grade..... that is U+.....

 This picture always motivate me....=)

   And still remember got one time, teacher wanted me to answer the questions that we finished already..... When i said out my answer.... She said : This question so easy you also can wrong a???? So easy also don't know, then you can straight away jump from this floor.... ops.... This floor is not enough, you should jump from the highest floor...." After listened to her "advises", i felt a bit shock although i know she is just joking...and i really felt very embarrassed at that time...as she said this in front of 70++ students......I really very shame of myself at that particular time....Till now, when i saw people with higher education that speak in English.... i will feel a little bit terrified....Although i should "delete " this phobia in my mind... But it really takes time.... So, someone who are not really understanding me well might feel that i am a quiet person........
Actually do i ??? I don't think so....=)

And this is the most "powerful" song in my life, to me...

   This is the things that  i want to change.... But this "dream" seen very far.....Whatever the consequences are, i am telling myself... One day i can........=)

Friday, December 10, 2010

The cute and interesting things that make you laugh or might feel amazing.....=)

The laptop cover.. so cute!!! 

I think you guys know what is this right???=)

The cats are so adorable, although i prefer dogs... But this really cute!!!!Thumbs up...^^

 Amazing right ??? 

 I love this so much ..........><

50 Strange Buildings of the World

1. The Crooked House (Sopot, Poland)

Construction of the building started in in January 2003 and in December 2003 it was finished. House architecture is based on Jan Marcin Szancer (famous Polish artist and child books illustrator) and Per Dahlberg (Swedish painter living in Sopot) pictures and paintings.
The Crooked HouseImage via: brocha

2. Forest Spiral – Hundertwasser Building (Darmstadt, Germany)

The Hundertwasser house “Waldspirale” (”Forest Spiral”) was built in Darmstadt between 1998 and 2000. Friedensreich Hundertwasser, the famous Austrian architect and painter, is widely renowned for his revolutionary, colourful architectural designs which incorporate irregular, organic forms, e.g. onion-shaped domes.
The structure with 105 apartments wraps around a landscaped courtyard with a running stream. Up in the turret at the southeast corner, there is a restaurant, including a cocktail bar.
Forest Spiral - Hundertwasser Building (Darmstadt, Germany)Image via: Kikos Dad

3. The Torre Galatea Figueras (Spain)

The Torre Galatea Figueras (Spain)Image via: manuelfloresv

4. Ferdinand Cheval Palace a.k.a Ideal Palace (France)

Ferdinand Cheval Palace a.k.a Ideal Palace (France)Image via: Mélisande*

5. The Basket Building (Ohio, United States)

The Longaberger Basket Company building in Newark, Ohio might just be a strangest office building in the world. The 180,000-square-foot building, a replica of the company’s famous market basket, cost $30 million and took two years to complete. Many experts tried to persuade Dave Longaberger to alter his plans, but he wanted an exact replica of the real thing.
The Basket Building (Ohio, United States)Image via: addicted Eyes

6. Kansas City Public Library (Missouri, United States)

This project, located in the heart of Kansas City, represents one of the pioneer projects behind the revitalization of downtown.
The people of Kansas City were asked to help pick highly influential books that represent Kansas City. Those titles were included as ‘bookbindings’ in the innovative design of the parking garage exterior, to inspire people to utilize the downtown Central Library.
Kansas City Public Library (Missouri, United States)Image via: jonathan_moreau

7. Wonderworks (Pigeon Forge, TN, United States)

Wonderworks (Florida, United States)

8. Habitat 67 (Montreal, Canada)

Expo 67, one of the world’s largest universal expositions was held in Montreal. Housing was one of the main themes of Expo 67.
The cube is the base, the mean and the finality of Habitat 67. In its material  sense, the cube is a symbol of stability. As for its mystic meaning, the cube is symbol of wisdom, truth, moral perfection, at the origin itself of our civilization.
354 cubes of a magnificent grey-beige build up one on the other to form 146 residences nestled between sky and earth, between city and river, between greenery and light.
Habitat 67 (Montreal, Canada)Image via: ken ratcliff

9. Cubic Houses (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

The original idea of these cubic houses came about in the 1970s. Piet Blom has developed a couple of these cubic houses that were built in Helmond.
The city of Rotterdam asked him to design housing on top of a pedestrian bridge and he decided to use the cubic houses idea. The concept behind these houses is that he tries to create a forest by each cube representing an abstract tree; therefore the whole village becomes a forest.
Cubic Houses (Rotterdam, Netherlands)Image via: vpzone

10. Hang Nga Guesthouse a.k.a Crazy House (Vietnam)

The house is owned by the daughter of the ex-president of Vietnam, who studied architecture in Moscow.
It does not comply with any convention about house building, has unexpected twists and turns, roofs and rooms. It looks like a fairy tale castle, it has enormous “animals” like a giraffe and a spider, no window is rectangular or round, and it can be visited like a museum.
Hang Nga Guesthouse a.k.a Crazy House (Vietnam)Image via: JonasPhoto

11. Chapel in the Rock (Arizona, United States)

Chapel in the Rock (Arizona, United States)Image via: santanartist

12. Dancing Building (Prague, Czech Republic)

Dancing Building (Prague, Czech Republic)Image via: jemil75

13. Calakmul building a.k.a La Lavadora a.k.a The Washing Mashine (Mexico, Mexico)

Calakmul building a.k.a La Lavadora a.k.a The Washing Mashine (Mexico, Mexico)Image via: marj k

14. Kettle House (Texas, United States)

Kettle House (Texas, United States)Image via: y luckyfukr

15. Manchester Civil Justice Centre (Manchester, UK)

Manchester Civil Justice Centre (Manchester, UK)Image via: tj.blackwell

16. Nakagin Capsule Tower (Tokyo, Japan)

Nakagin Capsule Tower (Tokyo, Japan)Image via: pict_u_re

17. Mind House (Barcelona, Spain)

Mind House (Barcelona, Spain)Image via: angelocesare

18. Stone House (Guimarães, Portugal)

Stone House (Guimarães, Portugal)image via: Jsome1

19. Shoe House (Pennsylvania, United States)

Shoe House (Pennsylvania, United States)Image via: James Gordon

20. Weird House in Alps

Weird House in AlpsImage via: nicolasnova

21. The Ufo House (Sanjhih, Taiwan)

The Ufo House (Sanjhih, Taiwan)Image via: cypherone @ Taiwan

22. The Hole House (Texas, United States)

The Hole House (Texas, United States)Image via: melinnis

23. Ryugyong Hotel (Pyongyang, North Korea)

Ryugyong Hotel (Pyongyang, North Korea)Image via: Pricey

24. The National Library (Minsk, Belarus)

The National Library (Minsk, Belarus)Image via: ledsmagazine.com

25. Grand Lisboa (Macao)

Grand Lisboa (Macao)Image via: Michael McDonough

26. Wall House (Groningen, Netherlands)

Wall House (Groningen, Netherlands)Image via: Liao Yusheng

27. Guggenheim Museum (Bilbao, Spain)

Guggenheim Museum (Bilbao, Spain)Image via: disgustipado

28. Bahá’í House of Worship a.k.a Lotus Temple (Delhi, India)

Bahá'í House of Worship a.k.a Lotus Temple (Delhi, India)Image via: MACSURAK

29. Container City (London, UK)

Container City (London, UK)Image via: y Fin Fahey

30. Erwin Wurm: House Attack (Viena, Austria)

Erwin Wurm: House Attack (Viena, Austria)Image via: Dom Dada

31. Wooden Gagster House (Archangelsk, Russia)

Wooden Gagster House (Archangelsk, Russia)Image via: deputy-dog.com

32. Air Force Academy Chapel (Colorado, United States)

Air Force Academy Chapel (Colorado, United States)Image via: dbking

33. Solar Furnace (Odeillo, France)

Solar Furnace (Odeillo, France)Image via: f2g2

34. Dome House (Florida, United States)

Dome House (Florida, United States)Image via: easement

35. Beijing National Stadium (Beijing, China)

Beijing National Stadium (Beijing, China)Image via: littlemalt

36. Fashion Show Mall (Las Vegas, United States)

Fashion Show Mall (Las Vegas, United States)Image via: b2tse

37. Luxor Hotel & Casino (Las Vegas, United States)

Luxor Hotel & Casino (Las Vegas, United States)Image via: wallyg

38. Zenith Europe (Strasbourg, France)

Zenith Europe (Strasbourg, France)Image via: Edouard55

39. Civic Center (Santa Monica)

Civic Center (Santa Monica)Image via: karenchu121

40. Mammy’s Cupboard (Natchez, MS, United States)

Mammy's Cupboard (Natchez, MS, United States)Image via: Live Simply

41. Pickle Barrel House (Grand Marais, Michigan, United States)

42. The Egg (Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York, United States)

The Egg (Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York, United States)Image via: iessi

43. Gherkin Building (London, UK)

Gherkin Building (London, UK)Image via: Lawrie Cate

44. Nord LB building (Hannover, Germany)

Nord LB building (Hannover, Germany)Image via: iterby

45. Lloyd’s building (London, UK)

Lloyd’s building (London, UK)Image via: ryanfb

46. “Druzhba Holiday Center Hall (Yalta, Ukraine)

“Druzhba Holiday Center Hall (Yalta, Ukraine)Image via: Argenberg

47. Fuji television building (Tokyo, Japan)

Fuji television building (Tokyo, Japan)Image via: kamoda

48. UCSD Geisel Library (San Diego, California, United States)

UCSD Geisel Library (San Diego, California, United States)Image via: ewen and donabel

49. Ripley’s Building (Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada)

Ripley's Building (Ontario, Canada)Image via: Bekah267

50. The Bank of Asia a.k.a Robot Building (Bangkok, Thailand)

The Bank of Asia a.k.a Robot Building (Bangkok, Thailand)Image via: hewy
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Disturbing and unusual pictures

Some of these are facinating, some are disturbing, all tell a story.

Got some interesting pics from Honda tech, on this theme, add some more!

Note: because of the massive bandwidth used (over 50gig in the last week) I moved these pics to http://www.flickr.com/photo... and linked them back to the site.


This might be a video of the same lighthouse in the middle of a storm

By netchicken: posted on 6-7-2006

Tanker facing an approaching storm

There are new photo's from another (or the same) ship in a storm here
By netchicken: posted on 6-7-2006

Some scared animals there ... yet a beautiful pic

Thanks to Biogeek on Redit for the origin of this picture.

This awsome picture was taken in the Bitterroot National Forest in Montana on August 6, 2000 by a fire behavior analyst from Fairbanks, Alaska by the name of John McColgan with a Digital camera.

On 6 August 2000, as several fires converged in the Sula in western Montana, John McColgan, a fire behavior analyst in the employ of the USDA Forest Service snapped the spectacular photograph shown above with a digital camera. As McColgan described the experience to a writer for the Western Montana newspaper

... Quote:
That's a once-in-a-lifetime look there. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I've been doing this for 20 years and it ranks in the top three days of fire behavior I've seen.

"They know where to go, where their safe zones are," McColgan said. "A lot of wildlife did get driven down there to the river. There were some bighorn sheep there. A small deer was standing right underneath me, under the bridge."

McColgan snapped the photo with a Kodak DC280 digital camera. Since he was working as a Forest Service firefighter, the shot is public property and cannot be sold or used for commercial purposes
From snopes.com

By netchicken: posted on 6-7-2006

Don't know origin of this but he must have been in there a while from the look of his hands

edit: BNoble found the origin of this picture, and its very tragic. I would have removed it ,but seeing its been here for so long I figured to leave it with an explanation...

Omayra Sanchez (the girl pictured) was 12 years old at the time and lived with her parents, her brother and an uncle. However, prior to the tragedy, her mother had traveled to Bogotá on business. Omayra could not escape and was trapped under her own home's concrete plaque and debris.

When rescue teams tried to help her, they realized that her legs were trapped. The only feasible option was to pull her out by breaking and ripping her legs off. Omayra remained strong until the last moment of her life. According to people who were by her side during those moments, the little girl wanted to live, saying her only worry was to go back to school.

The people who were trying to save her life begged the pilots of overflying helicopters to get a pump so the water could have been drained out. After two days a pump was delivered, but unfortunately it did not work properly and finally got stuck because of the mud and debris.

By netchicken: posted on 6-7-2006

A man-made sun rose over Bikini Atoll on March 1, 1954. Seen here from 50 miles away, the 15-megaton hydrogen blast called Bravo ranks as the largest U.S. test, a thousand times greater than the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. here

By netchicken: posted on 6-7-2006

Ice storm, man that looks slippery
By netchicken: posted on 6-7-2006

Anyone for shark soup?
By netchicken: posted on 6-7-2006

Sub at the beach

A russian sub cruises the beach somewhere in Russia.

From this great site

By netchicken: posted on 11-7-2006

A long bridge ...
By netchicken: posted on 27-9-2006

That picture of the girl trapped in the mud was taken by and copyrighted to Frank Fourier. It depicts Omaira Sánchez, 13, who was trapped with her legs pressed by debris from her own house for three days; she and 23,000 more people died there. It occurred on November 13, 1985 when the eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano produced a huge mudslide in Armero, Colombia (South America).

Details from the photographer of how the picture was obtained can be found at:


To learn more about the Armero tragedy:
By AEC312: posted on 8-1-2007

LGM-118A Peacekeeper missile system being tested at the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

The lines shown are the re-entry vehicles -- one Peacekeeper can hold up to 10 nuclear warheads, each independently targeted. Were the warheads armed with a nuclear payload, each would carry with it the explosive power of twenty-five Hiroshima-sized weapons.

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wik... Wikipedia
By netchicken: posted on 11-1-2007

What a lovely day for a paddle ....
By netchicken: posted on 11-1-2007

The pic is real!
By netchicken: posted on 11-1-2007

That pics shows a MIRV re-entry.
Multiple Independently targetable Re-entry Vehicle, or MIRV is a collection of nuclear weapons carried on a single intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) or a submarine launched ballistic missile (SLBM). Using a MIRV warhead, a single launched missile can strike several targets, or fewer targets redundantly. By contrast a unitary warhead is a single warhead on a single missile.
MIRV Wikipedia article

The US Minuteman 3 is the only US land-based MIRV ICBM currently in use. These MIRV capable ICBM's are especially used because they are harder to counter with anti ballistic missile systems due to number of independent re-entry vehicles in the re-entry phase. True to keeping the world more on edge, the Russians are developing the Bulava(SS-27 class) sea-launched MIRV ICBM. Supposedly the most advanced MIRV ICBM to date and still under development. This is obviously in response to the US Ballistic missile "Shield" that is under development.

Okay enought of this rant, Here is night pic of MIRV re-entry: 
By IAF: posted on 13-1-2007

No its not moving, its purely your eyes

These are the things that i looked from the Internet.... And may be you seen it before already, but i just wanna share with you guys .... Hope you guys will like this...=)